Kepler Harvesting: Raising a Family on the Farm and Embracing the Rural Lifestyle

Kepler daughter feeding a baby cow a bottle.

Nick Kepler shares his journey that led to growing 1,500 acres of alfalfa with his family. Having returned to rural life after a stint in Omaha, Nick and his wife Amanda, value the peace, responsibility, and life lessons their children gain from farm life. With the help of Aaron Ogden and 21st Century Equipment, Nick is embracing modern technology like sub-inch GPS accuracy, with SF-RTK on his John Deere W235 swathers. Nick highlights the joys and challenges of farming, the importance of family, and the strong support system they’ve built within their community. He also reflects on how farming teaches his children invaluable skills, preparing them for the future, and how the sense of community makes the tough days manageable. Their dedication to farming is not just a job, but a way of life that they hope to pass on to the next generation.

For more farm stories like the Keplers,’ be sure to subscribe to the 21st Century Equipment YouTube channel.

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