Warning signs your tractor needs to be serviced

One of the advantages of regularly inspecting your equipment at home is that you can spot warning signs or potential issues earlier on. When it comes to your tractor, this is especially important—whether you use it every day or on occasion.

Categorized as Farm & AG

9 tips to prepare your tractor for winter

Whether you’re planning on putting your tractor away for the winter or still using it regularly, here are some ways to prepare for the off season – and save you time and money.

The year of the *asterisk

Here’s a toast to a prosperous 2021 and good riddance to almost all facets of 2020. What a year this has been–the year that will most certainly go down in history as “the year of the *asterisk”.

Proactive preventive maintenance a key to taking control

Downtime in the field due to breakdowns, equipment failures or malfunctions can sure make you lose control of your time, your productivity—and your temper.  Our Priority Service Program (PSP) helps you keep your cool.

Categorized as Farm & AG

StarFire™ Receiver 20-2 Mandatory Update

In early August 2020, the StarFire™ 20-2 software update will be available. This software update, unlike many others, is a “Mandatory Update” for both StarFire 6000 and StarFire 3000 receivers and includes software fixes plus a few new features.

Categorized as Farm & AG