Accelerated Concurrent Diesel Technology Program

How it works: 1. Apply with 21st Century Equipment Recruiting Team by emailing 2. Once accepted, complete NJC Application Process. Sign up for courses Sign up for student financial assistance (if needed) Sign up for student housing (if needed) 3. Begin courses Credit courses are held at the NJC Campus in Sterling Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Wednesday afternoons work through John Deere University coursework at the 21st Century Equipment Sterling Dealership. 4. Work Thursday and Friday in your home dealership.

How it works:

1. Apply with 21st Century Equipment Recruiting Team by emailing

2. Once accepted, complete NJC Application Process. Sign up for courses Sign up for student financial assistance (if needed) Sign up for student housing (if needed)

3. Begin courses Credit courses are held at the NJC Campus in Sterling Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Wednesday afternoons work through John Deere University coursework at the 21st Century Equipment Sterling Dealership.

4. Work Thursday and Friday in your home dealership.

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