How farmers can save water with precision ag technology

John Deere tractor cab

Water is one of our most precious resources, especially when it comes to farming. But between shifting weather patterns and unusual seasons, managing water use and conserving this resource is getting harder and harder. Around the country, and the world, growers are searching for solutions that boost water efficiency and conservation while yielding healthier, larger crops. That is where technology comes in to help.

Importance of water conservation for successful agriculture

Did you know that the world’s population is expected to grow by nearly 10 billion by 2050? That means that global food demand would increase by about 50%. And agriculture productivity would need to increase by about 60% to 70% to serve that demand. Water is a critical component to that success and the future of farming, in general.

Today, every drop counts. From environmental disruptions to economic impacts, finding the tools and methods to practice more efficient irrigation and agronomic management can make all the difference to our land. In fact, many of our customers are incorporating precision ag technology solutions to help conserve water by remotely monitoring and managing usage, minimizing runoff or over irrigating, and keeping weather in mind when making decisions.

Because no matter how much our population increases or our climate changes, water will always be important to meeting the growing agriculture demands of tomorrow.

Benefits of precision ag for water efficiency 

We all know farming has come a long way in the last few years. More and more growers are implementing smarter practices and precision ag technology to take the guesswork out of their production. Instead of relying on just observations and knowledge of their land, they can now be connected to multiple fields and get precise data to inform their decisions.

When it comes to water efficiency, John Deere has the precision ag technology and tools to manage moisture levels, optimize field drainage, automate irrigation, gauge weather conditions and so much more. Individually, these solutions can help provide insights, inform decisions or even help reduce labor costs. But when combined, they can boost overall confidence and peace of mind in knowing how your operation is performing and what potential issues or opportunities could be right below the surface.

At 21st Century Equipment, we’re committed to the progress of our customers and their operations by helping turn their data into decisions. Whether you’re new to precision ag or simply looking to add to your toolbelt with ways to better conserver and manage water resources, our Integrated Solutions Group (ISG) experts and precision pros work with you to find the right combination of products and support to keep you running with precision.

Remote monitoring and optimization

By adding John Deere displays and receivers, you can automate tasks and minimize manual time in the field—all while still being able to check in and see what’s happening. Even options like soil moisture probes from 21st Century Water Technologies to help you monitor and track soil moisture levels and make timely irrigations decisions. This not only helps eliminate over or under watering but ultimately helps conserve water and maximize nutrient absorption.

Data management and sharing

By now, we know that precision ag technology can provide you with valuable insights and data. From connecting you to your fields to recording soil, crop and equipment health, the John Deere Operation Center lets you access and share all of your data from a single, secure spot to improve your farming operation. And you can do it from anywhere, at any time.

 Agronomic decision support

Seeing your data is one thing but understanding and leveraging it is another story. Our team helps you learn how to collect and analyze your precision data through solutions like variable rate application, Electrical Conductivity (EC) Soil Survey Collection and soil sampling. We call it agronomic decisions support (ADS)—and it’s all about helping you yield more and waste less.

Want to know more about precision ag from 21st Century Equipment?

From agronomic support to developing the right solutions for your operation, let us help put our precision ag technology to work for you.

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