How to choose the right oil for your machine

When it comes to servicing your equipment properly, it feels like there are just so many options. Let’s explore different types of oils available and identify what to use in your hardworking equipment, from work trucks to irrigation pivots to tractors.

Why agriculture is the place to be

As we approach the midpoint of 2021, it’s time to focus on the positives that we, who are involved in production agriculture, all share. I think agriculture is the place to be right now.

The Ultimate Guide to Tedding Hay

Haymaking is always about how to strike a critical balance between growing time and weather conditions. Between mowing, tedding and raking, growers need to rely on science but also the senses to judge the right time to bring in the crop. The goal? To produce the largest quantity of the most nutritive forage for the best price possible.

Looking ahead to spring

What a difference a few months make. Who of us last September thought we would see March ’21 corn pushing $5.50/bushel or KC wheat futures over $6.00/bushel? The best part is that these prices are being sustained by both strong export demand as well as tight old crop supplies—a great combination!