It’s All About Teamwork

It’s hard to believe harvest is upon us, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks seems like we just planted this crop. hope this edition of our Flyer finds you experiencing great yields and enjoying this incredible harvest weather.

We have dedicated this edition of the Flyer to the recognition of teamwork and the importance teamwork plays in making farming easier for you. As a customer of 21st Century Equipment, you may not see all the team interaction that is going on in the dealership to support you, but there is a lot going on.

For example, when your salesman sells you a piece of equipment, it takes the support of his team members in the Service Department to prepare that piece of equipment for delivery. Quite likely, the sale of that piece of equipment may also require parts or attachments that are secured by the team members in the Parts Department, who are also working with their counterparts in the Service Department. Then let’s say that new piece of equipment requires the special support provided by the team members in the Integrated Solutions Department….not to mention the truck driver, dispatcher and so on and so on.

My point is, it takes a focused team effort between and among our various staff members at the Dealership to make a single piece of equipment ready for use on your farm.

It is extremely important to me, as the CEO of this organization, that we have collaborative working relationships between all the employees in the Company. It is the only way I know that we can provide the appropriate level of service that you expect from us day-in and day-out. We work hard at developing a spirit of cooperation and teamwork, not only within the Dealership location, but between the various Dealership locations. The Parts transfer process between stores, via our daily courier service is just one simple example of the various locations working together, on a daily basis, to make farming easier for you.

It is also important to us that we recognize you, our customers, as the most important part of our team. Simply stated, your success leads to our success. As the most valuable player on our team, one of the most important things you can do for us is to give us your feedback. Tell us how we are doing and how we can improve our performance. Those surveys that you get from us really are an important part of helping us improve our team’s performance, so I ask that when you receive one of these surveys, you take a few minutes and fill it out and send it back. As the “team leader” at 21st Century Equipment, I assure you that I read every survey and “lead” accordingly! As the end of the year draws near, I want to thank you for your business. I assure you, our team is dedicated to helping you improve your bottom line.

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