If you have not figured it out yet, this edition of our Flyer is dedicated to saying “Thank You” to one of the most under-appreciated professions in our great country…..our Farmers and Ranchers.
Why You Need a Ballast Box For Your Tractor
Ballasting your tractor refers to adding or removing extra weight from your equipment to accommodate horsepower imbalances. Essentially, it is counterweight used to optimize load distribution
One Decision at a Time
With harvest in full swing, I hope you are now reaping the rewards of a long season of hard work. So far, the weather has been great. Let’s hope the weather continues to cooperate, but a little rain for our just-seeded wheat crop would not hurt anyone’s feelings.
It’s All About Teamwork
It’s hard to believe harvest is upon us, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks seems like we just planted this crop. hope this edition of our Flyer finds you experiencing great yields and enjoying this incredible harvest weather.
Keeping your cool when the heat is on
We’ve already seen the wild swings in weather this spring in many parts of 21st Century Equipment country. Your equipment has to cope with these changes as well, so here are a couple of tips that can help.
Winterize your sprayer
We have had several questions this week on what to use to winterize your sprayer? Over the years a lot of different things have been used. Here are some pros and cons of the different options.
Combine set-up tips to help avoid harvest headaches and hassles
If you need proof that time flies, consider that wheat harvest is only a few weeks away. That means it’s time to get your combine harvest-ready. Here are a few tips to help you avoid headaches and hassles during harvest.
Back-to-Back Harvest Requires Even Greater Attention to Equipment.
This year’s planting schedule is going to create a pretty hectic harvest schedule. Many of you will be harvesting beans and then turning right around to go after the corn. It may be tempting to cut corners or assume the best when it comes to your equipment, but it’s always a good idea to take… Continue reading Back-to-Back Harvest Requires Even Greater Attention to Equipment.
Tips on Setting Your Combine for a High Performance Harvest
In my line of work, I get asked a lot of strange stuff, but I do think the strangest this year came a few days back, when one of my new bosses asked me to write up a “Tech Tip”.
Finding the perfect fit with the Ag Tech Program
Growing up “dead center” between Cheyenne and Laramie, Wy., Aaron Balcom has been riding horses and rounding up cattle since he was 4. When it came time choose a career, he knew he wanted to stay in agriculture.